Sunday, February 9, 2014

best of movies

Whenever I start thinking about what make the people different From each other , I think of what movies do they like...and by knowing their Favourites ,i cantell a lot about their charachters :

And to pick up the beat of he best movies out there , i came up with. A combination of recepies for myself:
1- the music : which is like salt for the food,  a fewmovies i like that lake good music..
2 storyline : of course this is like spinal cord of the body.
3 Directing : gives it the colors .
4 acting: chosing the right actor for the right gener .
After all this intro. Here is what i came up with ...
For action movies:
1- appocalypto , mel gibson: again mell gibson proves rhat je is capable director as he is actor! Even though the movie speaks antient langiage , this didnt bother me from chasing it to the end...good story and good directing.i give it no. 1 because the story is unpredictable , and exciting .